= Short story
- When i saw simpleavr's implementation of usbtiny on attiny45 , i thought it would be cool if i make a kit version of this with a minimal form factor. Then i designed a PCB and sent for first prototype. Later on i thought, if i want to sell this, it would be much cooler ,and more suitable with "Open Source Hardware" concept, if i bring this project one step ahead. So i tried to fit anything extra to the device and this project came out.
V1.1 beta firmware released for the Little Wire. You can find the changelog and details from this link.
= What is this?
- usbtiny compatable AVR programmer in minimal form factor with all through hole components
- Computer controllable (via USB) additional features:
- 4 channel digital input / output
- ADC with 10 bit resolution
- 2 paralel hardware PWM outputs
- 3 paralel software PWM outputs (with v1.1 firmware)
- SPI interface
- I2C interface
- 1 Wire interface (with v1.1 firmware)
- Pic24f programmer with limited device support (with v1.1 firmware)
- Includes onboard serial bootloader for firmware upgrades!
- You can use it for “Printf style debugging over AVR-ISP pins!”
- USB to UART converter , by loading an other firmware (CDC-232 port)
= Where can i buy one?
- It is available at Seeedstudio right now!
= What is pinout?
Silkscreen | AVR-ISP |
PWM/Servo |
I2C |
CDC-232 |
Bootloader |
pin1 |
MISO | Channel_B |
- |
- |
DO | TX |
TX |
pin2 |
SCK | - |
Channel_1 |
RX |
- |
pin3 | RESET | - |
Channel_0* | - | CS | - |
- |
pin4 | MOSI | Channel_A | - |
SDA | DI | - |
RX |
= Possible usages
- AVR programming /summon captainObvious
- LED dimming, color mixing
- General servo driving
- Pan and tilt servo control of a webcam for face tracking
- With additional motor driver IC, 2 wheel robot driving
- Analog voltage recording and plotting
- Controlling LED matrix displays by using SPI module to drive shift registers
- USB to SPI bridge
- USB to I2C bridge
- USB to UART bridge
- General purpose V-USB developement board
= What is included?
- Eagle schematic / layout files. Also in PDF format.
- Microcontroller firmware files and makefile
- Bootloader source files
- Arduino library for “Printf style debugging over AVR-ISP pins!”
- C function/header files for command line USB interface for Windows and Linux
- C++ class for Windows and Linux
- Processing library for Windows ( With reduced feature set ... )
- C# class for Windows USB interface ( in developement ... )
- Example C projects for almost every feature of the board
- Example C++ projects for almost every feature of the board
- Example Processing projects
- Example C# project for analog voltage plotting based on zedGraph
= Reference projects
- This project is proudly and heavily based on
- V-USB stack
- Original usbtiny project
- Ladyada version of usbtiny
- simpleavr's implementation of usbTiny on attiny45 microcontroller
- Libusb library for C , C++ interface
- Libusbdotnet library for C# inteface
- Libusbjava library for Processing interface
- "fast tiny & mega UART bootloader" project from AVR freaks
- USIi2c library for I2C implementation
= Please note!
Do not use the Adafruit USB VID/PID without written permission from Adafruit Industries, LLC and Limor "Ladyada" Fried (support@adafruit.com). Permission is granted for littlewire Ihsan Kehribar and Seeed Studio by Adafruit Industries, LLC to use the Adafruit USB VID/PID for littlewire (SKU:AVR06071P)